As part of implementing the InQuire Research Incubator program to support postgraduate students, the eleventh workshop in online format was held on 4th May 2021. Starting from this workshop until the end of the program, all participants will have the opportunity to present their research designs and receive feedback. At this workshop, our colleague Amina Močević presented her draft research proposal on the topic “Determinants of public debt at the sub-national level in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Within the program, colleague Amina cooperates with her advisor, prof. Dr William Bartllet. After the presentation, the attendees were able to ask questions and discuss the elements of the project proposal on which Amina should continue to work.
After the presentation of our colleague Amina, the participants were introduced to the basics of working in the Stata program, including all elements of the Stata window and known ways of working. In addition, attendees were given practical examples of basic commands they can use to familiarize themselves with the contents of the database and basic descriptive analyzes. After participants have specified which methods they will use to analyze the data as part of their research, they can contact the InQuire team for additional support in using the Stata program and use the program on the premises of the Data Laboratory.