Fifteenth InQuire Research Incubator Support Program Workshop

According to the plan of the InQuire Research Incubator program to support postgraduate students, the last fifteenth workshop was held on 1st June 2021 in an online format. Within this workshop, participants were introduced to two topics. The first presentation was on “Research Ethics”, which was presented to us by prof. Dr Meldina Kokorović-Jukan, President of the Ethics Committee of the CREDI Center and Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Tuzla. Through practical examples and guidelines, Professor Meldina introduced this topic to our students and introduced them to the possibilities of engaging the Ethics Committee of the CREDI Center in different activities related to writing research proposals, implementing research, and publishing results. The second presentation was on the topic “Development of instruments for primary data collection”, which was presented to us by Danijel Hopić, a research fellow of the CREDI Center and consultant to develop instruments. Based on his rich experience in developing instruments and conducting research, Daniel presented instruments in the broader context of choosing a methodological approach in social science research.  Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss with lecturers in the context of developing their research proposals. Since this was the last workshop in working with the first generation of participants, we used it to gather feedback and discuss the elements of program implementation that benefited the participants the most and which elements we need to implement differently or better in the future. The evaluation and self-assessment results show that participants rated organizational aspects with an average score of 4.6 on a scale of 1 to 5. The self-assessment results show that in the opinion of participants, knowledge and skills in designing a research proposal improved by 34% on average, where the rate for some elements grows up to 71%. We believe that our students will work on quality research and further improve their knowledge and skills in the continuation of their research careers. In their further journey, the InQuire network and the CREDI centre are always at their disposal.

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