In continuation of the Research Incubator Support Program: Tenth Workshop

The tenth workshop within the Research Incubator support program was organized on 27th April 2021 in an online format. In this workshop, we talked about the use of secondary data. After getting acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of using secondary data, the participants were introduced to the FAIR principles, to which the primary data collection should strive to be reused as secondary data after the first use. Within the presentation, the participants were introduced to the Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina (DASS-BiH), which was founded and developed by the CREDI Center. In addition to the DASS-BiH archives, attendees were referred to other sources of secondary data that respect the principles of open science, including CESSDA archives, OpenAire resources and others. As examples of creative use of secondary data for research purposes, attendees were introduced to microsimulation models developed within the CREDI centre, which are available to participants for further use. After BiHMOD, the first microsimulation model for ex-ante assessment of changes in tax and social benefit policies in BiH was presented, the participants were shown an example of how the model works and its adjustments for further use. After the presentation, the participants continued with a discussion related to secondary data and the development of research project proposals.

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