Introducing InQuire Research Incubator participants and mentors: Inga Kotlo and Dženeta Karabegović

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  • Introducing InQuire Research Incubator participants and mentors: Inga Kotlo and Dženeta Karabegović

InQuire Research Incubator* is a support program for postgraduate students from universities in BiH through a series of practical workshops in developing a research methodology in social sciences. Work with the first generation of program participants began in February 2021 through a 15-week training in designing project proposals and the organization of discussions and workshops with program participants. In addition to the training, all participants are connected with their advisors (co-mentors) with whom they work on the further development of their draft project proposal. Within the program, participants were allowed to acquire practical skills through work on projects implemented by the CREDI Center, the opportunity to use the Data Archive for Social Sciences in BiH, the department for collecting primary data, and other tools (such as microsimulation models). Participants in the program work within different disciplines of social sciences. Within the program, we tried to find the best combination of candidate ideas and experiences of advisors (co-mentors). On this occasion, we present our colleague Inga Kotlo, a PhD candidate and her mentor Dženeta Karabegović, PhD from University of Salzburg. Our colleague Inga decided to address a topic “Using Language to Attract Tourists: The Role of Translation in Tourism Promotional Materials in Bosnia and Herzegovina (A Genre Analysis)”. The draft project proposal is still under development, and the current summary of the draft project proposal can be found here.


*The activity is supported by the Government of Switzerland through activities of MarketMakers project.


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